A memory is a photograph taken by the heart...to make a special moment last forever...and of all the memory-pictures that happy times can bring, the best are those that families make together ~
~ Author unknown

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Tradescantia Zebrina ~ Wandering Jew Plant ~

This purple Wandering Jew (Tradescantia Zebrina) plant belonged to my mom . . . it (and many of her plants) hadn't been watered in months. It's now here in my home and after a few months of special care, it's finally coming back . . .  it's as healthy as I remember it when mom had it hanging in her patio. Mom and I both have always had Wandering Jews in our homes, they are such a neat plant and hardy ones too! I know she would be happy that her plants are doing very well.


  1. Oma had the same plant, Gini :-)

  2. Cousin, Marion ~ it just runs in the family . . . a family plant! I have one of mom's Grape Ivy plants from about 15-18 years ago. It was so beautiful and I always wanted it . . . one day, she gave it to me and I have had it and kept it alive ever since! I did start another plant from a clipping . . . I will have to post about that one! Love you, Cuz . . . Bussi's ~ Ginimaus

  3. Gini, It's a beautiful plant with a wonderful connection to your Mom. I'm sure you take comfort from it.

  4. I have not had one of these in years, this one is lovely and the photo is wonderful too Gini!

  5. Same here, Carol, I had several of these plants in the seventies! Mom had a green thumb, and many of her plants are many years old . . . now if I can just keep them going!
